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2nd Trimester Must haves

1. La’Ban body oil | 2. Life water Liter bottles | 3. Isabell Maternity Jeans Cross panel skinny 4. Me Bath -Coconut & Lime Bath bombs | 5. Isabell Maternity Crew Neck t-Shirt   6. Gilligan OMalley midweight robe |7. Mossimo Supply slip on sneakers This week ends the 2 nd trimester, I thought I’d give you a list of what my favorites have been through this time. A lot of things change in this trimester, for me my bump popped quickly, so this trimester it just rounded out. I got my energy back so pushing myself to get things ready and also take time when I need to rest. You also want to find things that give you comfort, so finding clothes you feel comfortable in and not self-conscious in are a must. You don’t have to spend a ton of money on maternity clothing if you buy it at the right time.   Let’s jump into it.

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