2nd Trimester Must haves

This week ends the 2nd trimester, I thought I’d give you a list of what my favorites have been through this time. A lot of things change in this trimester, for me my bump popped quickly, so this trimester it just rounded out. I got my energy back so pushing myself to get things ready and also take time when I need to rest. You also want to find things that give you comfort, so finding clothes you feel comfortable in and not self-conscious in are a must. You don’t have to spend a ton of money on maternity clothing if you buy it at the right time.  Let’s jump into it.

#1. La’ Bang Body oil – I recently found this, and boy was I ecstatic to know they finally ship in from the US!  This stuff I tell you is amazing! First, the ingredient list is killer, Organic coconut oil, grape seed oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil. THAT’S IT! I got the coconut and it smells exactly like a coconut does no added sweetness to it, I’m excited to try the other scents.
               I have tried every stretch mark lotion, and body moisturizer out there. This far in my Pregnancy I’ve gone through countless bottle of lotion and they all do the same thing. They sit on the top of the skin and just are sticky then you should the water just beads off you. Gross right.

#2. Life Water – I grabbed this water, not going to lie more for the size the bottle was and the cool label than for the fact of it being ph balanced and having electrolytes. It's pretty good water when it comes down to it. I like were I'm able to track how much I’m drinking. Having water with me constantly is a reminder I need to keep drinking. I try to drink anywhere between 2-4 liters a-day depending on my activity level.

#3. Comfy Maternity jeans – let's face it, your boss wouldn’t appreciate it if you showed up to work in sweats every day. These Isabel Maternity jeans from Target are BOMB.com. The cross-over panel is so comfortable you hardly notice you're wearing jeans. Sizing I would stick to what you are before pregnancy. So if you were a size 6 normally you should be a size 6 in maternity.

#4. Bath bomb/bubble bath – I’m not sure why, but I tend to find time to take baths more when I’m pregnant then I do when I’m not. It’s definitely a habit I need to keep. It’s a relaxing time plus baby is moving like crazy, so that’s always fun.

#5. Classic Tshirts – Isabel Maternity from Target is the best maternity line I’ve found. These shirts are easy to layer or wear on their own. They are super soft and super comfortable you’ll forget your wearing maternity clothing.  They are very budget friendly and usually you can find a pretty good deal.

#6. Robe – Finding a simple robe that you can wear as your body oils soak in is a must. This simple robe from Gilligan OMalley I’ve been loving, its heavy so it can be worn year around, but its also light enough you don’t get hot wearing it. I plan on packing this in my hospital bag to wear around the hospital after baby is here.

#7. Comfy slid on – As the temperature starts changing here, I’ve sadly had to put away my sandals and transition into real shoes. With the growing belly tying my shoes is limited, at best, so I tend to gravitate to shoes I can slide on. These slides by Mossimo Supply have become a perfect stable in majority of my outfits lately they’re comfortable to wear all day, they keep my toes warm, and they go with everything.

It's crazy to think this trimester is done and we're on to the last one. Few short weeks baby will be here. Such an exciting time. Let me know in the comment sections what your must have are/were for your 2nd or 3rd trimenster.  Until next time, I'll talk to you next time . 
