10 Tips for losing Weight

Look the fit tea and all that other “get skinny fast” stuff, won’t get you skinny fast.  There are no shortcuts in losing weight. You have to work for it, put in your time and your results will be your own.
Now I’m not one that thinks being skinny is life. I’d rather have muscle and tone to my body.

My 10 tips for Weight loss

1.       Cardio
2.       Drink Water
3.       Sweat 3-4 times a week
4.       Eat protein (a lot)
5.       Sleep more/ stress less
6.       Macro/Food Tracking / Don’t eat distracted
7.       Eat complex carbs
8.       Replace bad snacking with good snacking
9.       Consume less alcohol
10.    Make your own food / Meal prep


I’ve said it before, I’m not an avid runner, scratch that I don’t hate it but I don’t like it either. But I will say adding some type of cardio helps lose that extra something-something. There’s more to it than just looks though. Cardio has a TON of benefits!!

To name a few:
  • Sleep- it helps you doze off faster and you get better REM sleep
  • Energy- It Releases endorphins giving you more energy
  • Mood – Boosts your mood- Especially after a stressful day!
  • Stress and Anxiety- Releases tension-fighting hormones

Now cardio doesn’t have to be just Running. It can be HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), Rowing, Biking. Anything to get that heart pumping!

Drink More Water

You want to make sure you're drinking Half your body weight

Ie: If you weigh 140lb take that Divided by 2.  140/2=70 oz of water 

Sweat 3-4 Times a week

Go to the gym with an idea of what you want to do. Have a plan if that’s typing it on your phone or taking a notebook. Keeping track of it is another way to see your progress!

Don’t be afraid to mix weighs in with your workout. One of the big things I think women are worried about its weights, as in lifting weights.

Eat Protein

Just because you’re trying to lose weight doesn’t mean you stop eating protein. Protein aids in weight loss. Making sure you’re getting protein when your body needs it and when it can suck in all the good nutrients your muscles need.

Rule of thumb
  • Drink/eat protein after a workout
  • Know how much protein you should be eating in a day
  • Lean Turkey and Chicken
  • Find a protein powder you like

Sleep more / Stress Less

Getting around 8 hours of sleep is sometimes hard. But the more sleep you get the more time it gives your muscles to recover and the more refreshed you’ll feel.

Taking time for yourself. If you need 20 mins of alone time do it. I know life gets messy and that’s not always an option. My time is my gym time I get 1 hour to focus on me. You can also meditate, read, or whatever you enjoy. Just do it you’ll thank yourself 

Macro/Food Tracking / Don’t eat distracted

Tracking what you eat will make you aware of what you’re eating. With that being said, don’t eat while your binge-watching Scandal. Eating while your distracted leads to overeating.  Portion size and Prepping will save you here. Prep out snacks to have so when you do get hungry you can just grab and go. Instead of mindlessly eating! 

Eat Complex Carbs

Complex Carbs?? There are two types of carbs Simple and Complex. It’s the way the sugar molecules are strung out in a long complex chain. They work differently in your body compared to simple.

They’re going to give you the energy break down you need.

Replace Bad Snacking with Good Snacking

So instead of sitting down with a bowl of chips, go for something that will do something for you.

Apple and peanut butter
Hummus and veggies
Greek yogurt and berries. 

Consume Less Alcohol

I’m not saying you need to stop completely. Just limit what you’re taking in. Drinking is a lot of empty calories that you could use somewhere else.  You’re also going to give your liver a break and that makes it able to work efficiently. Alcohol also hinders muscle recovery and depresses your metabolism 

Make Your Own Food/Meal Prep
Making your own food makes it easier to track and know what you’re eating. Meal prepping is another way to have everything done so when you’re ready to eat you just have to pop it into the microwave and you’re ready to eat! 

Follow me on Instagram @befitwith_ally


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